‘Atomic Spot’ movie to be premiered March 27

Last month, we wrote two songs for “Atomic Spot“, a french short film directed by Stéphanie Cabdevila and written by Charlotte Sanson. Wanna have a listen, wanna watch the movie? It will be screened on 27th March at Max Linder Panorama, in Paris !!

Atomic Spot, directed by Stéphanie Cabdevila and written by Charlotte Sanson, production: Metronomic, Capricci, Canal+.


Premiere: Tuesday 27th March – 7pm (An RSVP is required)
Max Linder Panorama
24 Boulevard Poissonière 75009 Paris

Atomic Spot Directed by Stephanie Cabdevila Charlotte Sanson Still

Synopsis & Teaser

Left for dead after the A307 plane crash on their nuclear plant, the workers of Octeville-sur-Mer went through a series of mutations. They formed a small amphibious community among the radioactive ruins. But they failed to reproduce their species. Last survivor, Cotis is crushed by loneliness. Until a crew of dumb surfers lands on the beach.


‘Puzzle’ movie to be premiered March 21

We are super proud to have composed the soundtrack of Olivier Pairoux‘ new film !! It’s called “Puzzle“, Philippe Katerine is the great badass, and it’s premiered tomorrow in Brussels (White Cinema Docks).

Puzzle, directed by Olivier Pairoux, in collaboration with Eusebio Larrea, production: Annabella Nezri/Kwassa Films.


Premiere: Wednesday 21st March 2018
White Cinema Docks
1, Boulevard Lambermont 1030 Bruxelles

Puzzle Film With Philippe Katerine Soundtrack by The Penelopes

‘Acide’ movie (Clermont-Ferrand international short film festival 2018)

Acide“, directed by Just Philippot  and scored by The Penelopes is part of the official selection of the Clermont-Ferrand international short film festival !!

Acide, directed by Just Philippot, production: La Petite Prod, Capricci, Canal+. Part of the “4 Histoires Fantastiques” Canal+ / So Film collection.


 Acide Directed by Just Philippot Soudntrack The Penelopes Still 1


A troubling cloud is taking shape somewhere out west. It’s now slowly moving inland, forcing population to run away. As the cloud keeps on moving forward inescapably, panic strikes. That cumulus is acid.

Trailer Canal+/So Film Collection (Music: “Acide” by The Penelopes)

